We’re Indigenous Americans . . . So Now What?

Family, Socio-Political, & Economic advantages are waiting for us.

Designed For Us by Us, and at your service;

We are the Aboriginal Republic of North America Xi-Amaru Tribal Government (est. 2006) aka ARNA.

Welcome HOME Family,

At this stage Your “Heritage Only Matters

HOME is the first institution that trains up a child in the way that s)he should go, that they may never depart from it.”

First, Let’s Be Clear . . .

  • All of your Reparations from slavery are held up in the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Paid out from Government to Government. You better come HOME soon family and participate in your own jurisdiction & Government by proclaiming your Nationality.

  • So-called black Americans' true culture is a reflection of our God Given nature. If you believe in the Unity of our people, know that it only exists under Natural Law & Cellph Governance; both of which we must educate ourselves from an Aboriginal Curriculum. Remember education starts in the HOME.

    How else can we restore our Village and prepare the youth for a better societal experience?

  • Just think of the extra capital you can re invest back into cellph, business, family, and others when you completely remove that tax liability. After all, tax exemption is your U.S. Constitutional right based on your true American heritage.

    You just can not exercise it lawfully identifying as Black. African American, etc.

  • Hundreds & thousands of so called African Americans are finding their ancestors on the Dawes Roll (Census Reporting for Indigenous Americans) pre 1860 and discovering Land Patents that their families held. Many have taken their lands back or are in the process of litigation for settlement of backpay from corporations and businesses on the their land.

Knowledge is Power

Reclaiming Your Heritage for those “benefits” is not for the undisciplined, the weak, or the unfocused. If you want to hide something from The Indigenous Black womb)Man, put it in a Book they say.

You have to learn from institutions & curriculums that are outside of the jurisdiction (propaganda & control) of your colonizers.

Through Heritage, Exists A distinctive Nationality,

Privilege & Protections.

Beware of False Prophets

The road to hell is paved with Good intentions.

Beware of individuals and organizations promoting “status correction” and Nationality who are not tied into an actual active Tribal Government with an established charter outside of the jurisdiction of the United States.

Don’t let individualistic pursuits of “remedy” deter you from collective, jurisdictional, and institutional participation of heritage-based Government and self-administered reparations.

The Call to Action:

    • Proclaim your Nationality with the only active Aboriginal Tribal Government currently in America (ARNA)

    • Invest in curricula from established Tribal Institutions

    • Study the science of your Aboriginal heritage;

    • Indigenous Psychology and Natural Law to become properly equipped to govern cellph family, community, local, and national jurisdictions.

    • Learn More about Constitutional Tax Exemption on Employment, For-Profit Business, & Property.

    • Have More to re-invest in your family community and nation

  • Love is real when you avoid the things that cause you injury biologically, culturally, economically, psychologically, and socio-politically. This stand for cellph will separate you from family members & societal traditions. #BecomeTheChange

    • Ineligible for Reparations

    • Children susceptible to LGBTQ agenda

    • Poverty Stricken & Disease Ridden Communities ( children & elders )

    • Always dependent on system & government that does not serve your best interest